Meet Amy
Group Coaching Program
Transformation Story
"It doesn't matter how old you are, you still have things to work on. You don't get it all right just because you've got years behind you."
"After the course, I was set free. I mean, I only need validation from myself."
Amy was always taking courses, working on herself, learning, and developing.
In the process of the program, Amy went from a place of external validation to internal self worth.
Amy has journalled, meditated, created two fulfilling vision boards, and started writing her first book.
Always Learning & Growing
Amy Hunt is no novice to self-work and individual development. She is a forever-learner. She’s spent a lot of her life on self-development, and she is open-minded to new programs that allow for that. She’s always seeking out new classes, new communities, and new cultures. She flourishes when she brings other points of view into her own life. Although Amy loves hearing from multiple people sharing their opinions, it can also create a dependence on receiving them.
Amy met Julie just over 2 years ago. They hit it off because of Julie’s radiant and inviting nature; Amy will say openly that Julie is “a ball of energy and sunshine.” Naturally, they became fast friends. After a year of friendship, Amy worked with Julie for some one-on-one coaching. When Julie invited Amy to join the program, Amy agreed, eager to continue her own personal development. She knew that she wanted to get healthy and lose weight, as well as ensure her mindset was positive leaning toward self-growth.
Her Journey to Awareness
Amy tends to be a perfectionist, so as the program began, she set out with pretty intentional goals. She wanted to feel good and to lose weight; she wanted to ensure she has a happy and healthy life ahead of her. But shortly after joining the program, she found that bringing in outside opinions tended to not only be how she operates and flourishes - by increasing her knowledge through others - but it became her way of getting validation.
Amy admits to being a perfectionist which shows up in her life through her willingness to share about herself to support others, in order to help them or “fix” them. But Julie’s course did something for Amy that she didn’t expect that turned the tables around. In the weekly meetings, Amy would support other women as they shared their wins. She would share her own wins as well, unaware that she was hoping her cohorts would approve of those wins. Hello, deep internal beliefs!
Amy made the connection from back in her childhood and young adult life. In growing up around others who knew she was ever-learning, she began this lifelong cycle of taking courses and gathering accomplishments like new pairs of shoes. This cycle was an easy one to slip into: as women in Western culture, we are taught early on to seek validation from others - outside of ourselves. We allow our worth to be determined by other’s approval.
The connection to this new awareness deepened about midway through the course. Through a meditation, some affirmation work, and a deep questioning of self, Amy identified her deeper truth. She is a seeker of knowledge, but she is also a seeker of approval. She’d spent most of life, she now realized, looking for validation from others.
“I had a psychological breakthrough. I was realizing things I hadn’t allowed myself to feel.”
It was a deep-seated belief that was hard to come to terms with. But once it was discovered, it was easy to see how it was showing up in all areas of her life. Amy now works daily to find validation from herself. She’ll say consistently that “mindset is so important for change.”
Progress, Not Perfection
Amy works consciously now on that self-validation. During the program, she created two vision boards, both addressing how she wants her future to look in vivid detail.
She feels that:
"Julie has helped me create a good foundation to keep working on myself and for pursuing my weight loss and health goals. She's inspired me so much."
In addition to her newfound awareness, while going through the program, Amy became inspired to write a book for seniors (a subject that interests her) that has been on the back burner of her mind for years. Now it is already in progress.
“I am a witness to change, to growing into your best. It truly does not matter how old you are. You are a breathing entity of life. You are involuntarily changing by nano-seconds, our chemistry is a dynamic fluid system. What we can change voluntarily is our minds, thoughts, our actions, our deeds, our words to ourselves, OUR MINDSET! Let’s be our best!”
Now, she seeks the approval from no one but Amy. She intends to keep working on herself...from the inside out.
“Julie really expressed how mindset is so important. And if you don’t change that mindset, you can’t change much externally.”
You have to do the inside work to get the outside right. That’s what Amy discovered from the Feel Good Junkies program. She says that even now, at age 73, there is always more to learn.
“It doesn’t matter how old you are, you still have things to work through. You don’t get it all together just because you’ve lived so many decades.”
A Peace That's Come with Feeling Good
Amy has found a sense of internal peace. She had always sought self-development and an increased knowledge in all things she does, but what she didn’t expect was that a sort of harmony can come from loving the self. When she decided to take hold of her own judgment - meaning that she began feeling self-affirmation rather than self-judgment, she felt immensely powerful.
After the program, Amy now expresses that she’s ready for what comes next. She’s ready to continue to do the self-work, and see what else comes up in this journey of life.
Ready to feel good from the inside out?
Sign up for the next round of Body Freedom Connection!
It's About Time Baby! © 2020