All Categories - It's About Time Baby! ...and THIS Time It's About YOU.
10. duben 2023
We all have stories from the past that aren’t good. Where we feel we were stupid, foolish,...
9. leden 2023
We’re 9 days into the new year folks… What are your resolutions? What are your goals for the...
24. říjen 2022
Have you ever wanted to say something or talk about something you’re passionate about but fear...
25. srpen 2021
Ahhh willpower... that old chestnut! Do you ever beat yourself up for not having the willpower...
10. květen 2021
Over the past 3 weeks I’ve been taking a pause… I planned it as I needed the time to let my body...
2. únor 2021
What does it mean to you to be truly confident? When I ask this of myself, I know what it means...
28. leden 2021
Years ago, whenever I was talking with a friend or colleague about a difficult decision they had...
28. prosinec 2020
>> As this year comes to a close I’m reflecting back… Late December is always a time for me to...
21. prosinec 2020
I have to say, you look absolutely fabulous today! ^^ I intentionally long-paused here.^^ How...
7. prosinec 2020
Welp, it’s December…I was out shopping ‘in person’ the other day (I say that because I’ve been...
8. listopad 2020
Add paragraph text here. Do you consider yourself to be a generous person? I think it’s a good...
2. listopad 2020
You're going to surprise yourself... in every sense of the word. >>Okay, Julie… here you go...
26. říjen 2020
I was just talking to a client the other day that said: “Julie, you’re so confident - I don’t...
19. říjen 2020
Do you have trouble speaking up for yourself? Do you tend to avoid challenging or confronting...
12. říjen 2020
Do you consider yourself to be a generous person? I think it’s a good thing to be generous. There...
9. říjen 2020
When I decided to quit my regular job and go into coaching full time - all of the sudden I had so...
3. říjen 2020
I recently cleared out my garage to create space for a home gym and I found a big box that my mom...
3. říjen 2020
Are you a worrier? Have you ever noticed how worrying makes you feel? Have you ever been...
17. září 2020
What would it feel like to truly accept yourself... just as you are? This has been on my mind...
7. září 2020
What’s happening? I am over here trying to solve all of life’s mysteries… Today I wanted to talk...